Today’s businesses are constantly told to “get connected”—to become involved with social media and create an active online presence. But how exactly can you do that?
Well, we know that social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are must have tools to stay up to date with the community. We also know the importance of a well-designed and functional website when it comes to keeping your clients in the know and connected. But did you know that there’s even more you can do to boost your advertising online? These strategies are just a few methods you can try to improve the effectiveness of your advertising plan.
Host a Q&A.
No matter what industry you work in, you can guarantee that there are people who have questions about it. Maybe they want to know how to prune their trees, or what steps to take in a particular legal process… and if you’re in a position to answer them, do so online! Host an online question and answer session on a site like Twitter or Facebook. Invite your clients and other users to ask questions they may have about your specialty—whether that’s law, medicine, insurance, education… whatever you do! A Q&A is a great way to build a presence in your community. It also can help you develop the credibility you need to attract new clients (because once they see that you know your stuff, they’ll be more likely to do business with you).
Start a blog.
If you have lots of knowledge about a certain specialty, the best place to store it all (and stay current) is in a blog. Include a blog on your website to interact with clients, post news and updates, and of course tips that make your clients’ lives better.
If you already have a blog, try sparking new interest in it by featuring guest writers, interesting photos, or current events. There’s no formula to the perfect blog—all you have to do is keep it updated and relevant to what your clients care about.
Mention your bench ad online.
This is a small but effective way you can improve the effectiveness of your advertising. Feature a photo of your bench ad on your website or social media page to link your advertising with your business and social media, making it easier for potential clients to make the association.
Use promotions.
Nothing drums up new business like a good promotion! Advertise sales or special packages online to get new customers in the door—once they get in, you might find that they keep coming back.
Unify the look of your business.
While it may seem like subtle, unifying the look of your online media with your bench ad can make it easier for clients to remember you. If your company’s colors are red and gold, don’t shy away from using these colors in your bench ad and web content.
The world of online advertising and social media is always changing. But don’t be afraid to use it to your benefit!